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Supporting and empowering

I specialise in coaching for women experiencing challenges in life. Whether it's finding your way as a new parent, returning to work after a career break or maternity leave, women's health conditions, peri-menopause, menopause, offspring flying the nest, or you're looking for more from life than the usual drudgery, get in touch and let's talk about where you want to be and how I can help you get there. 

Book a FREE discovery call to find out more, with no obligation. 

Being a woman

Whether you're a woman by birth or choice, you'll know it comes with unique challenges. Our hormones and deep-rooted development means we are usually caring, worry about others, and juggle multiple priorities. 

Coaching can help you understand why you put others before your own needs, why you feel burnt out, why you're empathic, and help you to put boundaries and plans in place to make it all a bit more manageable. So if you're feeling overwhelmed with all that being a woman brings, book a FREE discovery call and let's have a chat. 

Mum guilt

When that baby lands in your lap, let me tell you, it comes with a big dose of mum guilt. You'll shed tears over it for many years to come. As a mum of four adult children in their 20s and 30s, I personally think it doesn't go away. But I can help you learn to manage that guilt. So whether it's returning to work after maternity leave, questioning your parenting skills, feeling guilty because you work or want more to life than talking to a toddler or stroppy teen, book a FREE discovery call and tell me what's bothering you and what you'd like to change.


They're hard, right? Whether with a partner, parent, sibling, child, friend or colleague, they can rock our world. Sometimes relationships can follow patterns which can be changed. Whatever your relationship challenge, get in touch to book a FREE discovery call and chat through how coaching can help. 


Some lucky women sail through peri-menopause without as much as a hot flush, yet for others it can be debilitating and life-changing. 

I'm a Henpicked trained menopause champion and advocate in the NHS. I've worked with women to help them find their groove, have trained managers, and am an advocate for women experiencing this tough point of life. Get in touch and find out how I can help you.

Empty nest

Bringing up children can be all-consuming. My mantra is that the hardest part of parenting, yet the most important to get right, is the letting go. I've got four successful adult children and they're living life. But it took me years to learn how to cope once they'd flown the nest. 

If you're struggling and questioning who you are, lost in the sea of midlife and looking for a way forward, book some coaching sessions with me. There is light and life at the end of that tunnel. 


We've all heard of the midlife crisis...and it affects us all in different ways. Coaching is a great way to find your way through this an exploratory session to find out more. 

Get in touch


Phone: 07977 193739

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